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Local MOMpreneur Group and Monster Yogurt – Trading Books for Treats
Contact: Ava Skipworth Monster Yogurt 972-571-3987 [email protected], Sara Belmonte momsoutmarketing@
Local MOMpreneur Group Kicks-Off Children’s Book Drive in Support of National Education Association’s Read Across America BOOKS TO BE DONATED TO LOCAL LOW-INCOME SCHOOLS
DALLAS, TEXAS, January 25, 2021 – Local mom owned businesses are gearing up for Read Across America on March 2, 2021. Starting February 1st, mom-owned businesses will be accepting book donations at several local small business drop off sites. On March 2nd in support of Read Across America, these books will be going to underserved children through elementary schools; homeless shelters such as Genesis Women Shelter ; Anne’s Place drop off childcare center at Parkland Hospital .
This is the 4th Annual Children’s Book Drive where they will be collecting gently used and new books. For the 2021 book drive, Monster Yogurt has teamed up with Moms Out Marketing, LLC (MOM) a local mompreneur group to provide additional drop off locations and discounts in the metroplex. Moms Out Marketing and Monster Yogurt have inspired others to get involved this year for an even greater community impact.
Last year, Moms Out Marketing raised more than 1000 books. This year they hope to double last year’s goal and collect 2021 books, in honor of creating a positive impact this year.
Here is the list of local small businesses and incentives they are offering for book donations: www.facebook.com/events/
NEA’s Read Across America is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss. At some schools, books are desperately needed and research has shown that children growing up in homes where books are readily available show greater success in school and life.
Monster Yogurt’s founder, Ava Skipworth says, “I grew up with undiagnosed dyslexia and was not able to read a full book for most of my childhood. In high school a special teacher mentored me. It turned my life around. Monster Yogurt and MOM are always looking for ways to empower young people. What’s the point of owning a small business if you can’t give back? We’re looking forward to delivering enough books for each child to enjoy during Spring Break. Many of the children would never own a book, otherwise.”
According to the NEA’s website, motivating children to read is an important factor in student achievement and creating lifelong successful readers. Research has shown that children who are motivated and spend more time reading, do better in school. NEA’s Read Across America also provides NEA members, parents, caregivers and children resources and activities to keep them reading 365 days a year.
Customers can drop off one or more book(s) starting February 1st. With each donation, they will enjoy a treat or discount as a reward. It is a great way to get everyone involved and know the impact their contribution has on a local child. I say that is a “sweet” reward.
For more information, media coverage on sales through February and the delivery of books on March 2nd, please visit www.scarytastesgood.com, email [email protected] or call 972-571-3987.
Monster Yogurt “Scary Tastes Good” is the have it all, yogurt shop. We are a frozen yogurt shop with over 75 toppings and 80 rotating flavors for every dietary need. Our locations have indoor playgrounds, coffee, and Wi-Fi. We are the place to go with kids in tow without spending a lot of dough.
The National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest professional employee organization, is committed to advancing the cause of public education. NEA’s 3 million members work at every level of education—from preschool to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States..
Moms Out Marketing, LLC (MOM) “Changing the way MOMs network” MOM mission is to support you as a mom and help your business flourish by having a framework that encourages every aspect of being a mom! We hold local networking, workshops and charity events that allow you to bring your children. Become a MOM Member. For more info, email [email protected]
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